A change of climate.

I haven’t written for a while because I have moved house; well state actually.  I now live 1600km/1000miles away from where I grew up.  The climate is much warmer and more humid.  It is winter here and I am wearing a t shirt and shorts!  Even the locals are saying it has been unseasonably warm so far this year.  It may get cooler as we move into winter but nowhere near as cool at the minimum 4C, maximum 13C that I am used to for winter.

At work on friday someone commented that I had ‘got out my winter clothes’, I was wearing things that I would have worn in Spring; a dress with a long linen jacket and silk/cotton scarf.

I arrived at the start of April and so far from my hand made things I have needed:

  1. Light scarves and wraps
  2. Sleeveless tops
  3. Light cardigans

At night it cools off, so woollen wraps and jumpers work well.  It hasn’t been cool enough to need any heating in the house.  I certainly don’t need anything heavier than 8ply.

I’ve spent this weekend going through my Ravelry queue and deleting everything that will take longer to knit than the wear it will get.  I can’t see the point of spending hours making a  jumper or jacket that will be worn once  a year, especially as I already have some nice winter woollies.  I’ve also gone through my library and queued items that I will wear here that would not have got much wear previously.

So the plan for the near future is 2ply – 8ply, 3/4 length sleeve jumpers, cardigans, sleeveless tops, light scarves and shawls.  I will probably change the planned neckline on the fitted 8ply jumper I have on the needles so that it isn’t so snug around my neck.

The other big project on the needles is an 8ply tunic in a wool/cotton that was planned for summer; it will now be a great top for winter!